Indoor air quality|Home inspection Toronto
Every Canadian spends on average 90% of the time indoors, mostly in the home. Many of us are concerned about outdoor air pollution. Very few people, however, think about the quality of our indoor air. Do we really understand that this constant sneezing in the bedroom may be caused by a brand new carpet we bought few months ago? Or that bleeding nose is attributed to the mold growing under the toilet tank? Probably not. But excessive moisture, mold, pets, chemical contaminants, other substances can cause a poor air quality that leads to health problems of the occupants.
As houses have become more complex, especially with the increased use of synthetic, chemical-based products, the risk to human health has increased too. Today, depending on your level of sensitivity, you may be negatively affected by anything from furniture to fuel oil and from wax to wall paper. Another major source of trouble, especially for allergy sufferers, is molds. Molds grow wherever it is damp. They can be found outside the house, in the structure of the house and throughout the house; in obvious places like the kitchen and bathroom; and in not so obvious like carpets and walls.
Airborne contaminants are generally divided into two different groups: biological and chemicals. Biological contaminants include molds, dust mites, pollen, animal dander and chemicals. Molds produce particulates (spores and residual matter) and gases (volatile organic compounds characterized as musty odours). High moisture levels inside the home support the growth of molds and dust mites. Chemical contaminants include both gases and particulates. Gases originate from numerous sources, including body odour, cigarette smoke, carbon dioxide, combustion gases, gases released from building materials, furniture, carpets, paint, cleaning products, as well as soil gases, such as radon and gases produced by some electrical equipment, such as ozone.
Both biological and chemical contaminants affect the quality of the indoor air and may pose potential dangers to your health. Regardless of your health needs, clean indoor air can provide the basis for a nurturing environment. It can improve the quality of your health and your sense of well-being.
Yuri Olhovsky has been educated by CMHC, participating in a day course “Build and Renovate to Avoid Mold”, and then taking a three days IAQ Investigator course. Yuri applies his extensive knowledge of building science as a professional Home Inspector to help people deal with IAQ problems and improve indoor air quality.
What is an IAQ Investigation? An IAQ Investigation is an inspection of your home to determine if there are indoor air problems and to identify their sources and solutions.
Is an IAQ Investigation the same as a Home Inspection? No. When I conduct home inspection it is primarily for real estate escrow. During home inspection I look for the deficiencies that are present at the time of the inspection, and are safety or significant dollar value concerns. Indoor Air Quality issues are specifically excluded from a standard home inspection. An IAQ investigation on the other hand focuses on indoor air quality concerns.
What is a CMHC IAQ Investigation protocol? An IAQ Investigation protocol developed by CMHC includes:
– gathering information about the house, its history and any health concerns of the occupants
– conducting a comprehensive walkthrough and documenting IAQ problems of the house at the time of the inspection
– analyzing how the house performs based on the information collected
– writing a report that identifies the problems, pinpoints their sources and recommends solutions
What is the cost for IAQ Investigation? Cost for investigation range between $400-600 and vary by location and size of the house, complexity of the problem and travel time needed. This cost does not include any additional laboratory testing if necessary.
How long does an IAQ Investigation take? I spend on average between 3-5 hours in your house and written report is mailed to you within two to four weeks.
Based on the careful analysis of gathered information I will recommend you cost effective solutions that will improve the air quality in your house.